Narrative Text & questions

Once upon a time there was a girl called Cinderella. She lived with her stepsisters. They were busy. She had to do all the housework.
                Oneday, an invitation to the ball came to the family. Her stepsisters would not let her go. Cinderella was sad. The stepsisters went to the ball without her.
Fortunately, the fairy godmother came and helped her to get  to the ball. At the ball, Cinderella danced with the prince. the pince fell in love with her and then he married her. They lived happily ever after.

1.      Questions:

How was Cinderella? She was …

2.      How were her stepsisters? They were ….

3.      Why was cinderella sad oneday? Because ….

4.      Who help Cinderella to get to the ball?

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The Story of Ciderella

Lesson 1 (Introduction)

Lesson 2 (Verbs)

أخاك أخاك إن مَنْ لا أخا له === كَساعٍ إلى الهيجا بغير سلاح * Literal meaning: Your brother your brother for that who has no brother; is like a person rushing to battle without a weapon. * Metaphoric meaning: be good to your brothers/friends/family because you need them for support as much as they need you