Penggunaan This >< That, These >< Those, There is >< There are, & Here >< There

This = ini (jml satu dan dekat dg si-Pembicara)>< That = itu (jml satu dan jauh dari si-Pembicara)
Cth:    This is my pen and that is your pen.
          This is our home and that is their home.
          This is a white board and that is wall.

These: ini (jml banyak & dekat dg si-Pembicara)><Those: Itu (jml banyak tp jauh dr si-Pembicara)
Cth:    These are Anita’s books  and  Those are Jony’s books.
          These are mine and those are yours.
          These are our chairs but those are their chairs.

There is = ada (1/sebuah benda dg jml tunggal)>< There are = ada (2 benda/lbh yg jmlnya byk)
Cth:    There is a teacher in English class and there are 10 students attending to the class.
          There is a horse in the zoo and there are five lions over there.
          There is a holiday in a week and there are five Sundays in a month.

Here = disini   ><  There  = disana (bukan artikel tetapi mrpkan kata keterangan tempat)
Cth:    I am here but you are there
          My parents stay here but I work there in Yogyakarta
          Come here, please! don’t stay there.


The Story of Ciderella

Lesson 1 (Introduction)

Lesson 2 (Verbs)

أخاك أخاك إن مَنْ لا أخا له === كَساعٍ إلى الهيجا بغير سلاح * Literal meaning: Your brother your brother for that who has no brother; is like a person rushing to battle without a weapon. * Metaphoric meaning: be good to your brothers/friends/family because you need them for support as much as they need you